Buckton, Alice Maiy
Eager Heart
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The Design for the ewer is after BLAKE
EAGER HEART and her two Sisters;
A Poor and Nameless FAMILY
Three SHEPHERDS and a Young Man
Peculiar conditions attach to the performances of " EAGER
HEART." (See Articles of Association.)
Applications for permission to perform "EAGER HEART" to be made
85 Gracechurch Street, London, E.G., from whom all particulars may
be obtained.
ImbiU. choir (S.A.T.B.) and orchestra of strings, *«, ft**-
(See analysis supplied by Secretary.)
OLD CAROL: God rest you, Kerry **ȣ ^^
From BACifs Christmas Oratorio, as follows:--
Pastoral Symphony .
Gloria in Excelsis .
(Or plain-song Gloria.)
Slumber, thou heavenly child! Alto voice.
Prepare your heart (shortened} Alto voice.
followed at one! by chorale: -How shall I fitly meet Thee?
Four other chorales, viz. .
Ful!ar, the Cays - * — "%£££*.•
I am not worthy . . ,, » { Q Beauteous»
rol (** to * Gained of Cov.pany)
An upper, middle, and lower (see
An upper, me, an (see
fixed dark-blue *•*«"*"** '£ *$£%£> dresses and without
text} illuminated ch0lr of angeh, »J£** udb a descending
wings, with arms upraised w joy. ^^^ by ^ible cords,
curtain. A curtain dividing to the ^f^ Steps go up from
rests upon the top of steps aScend^ng to mzddle stage.
floor of auditorium to sides of lower stage.
The lighting is from above, and from the wings.
OLD CAROL \_sung by unseen choir\
GOD rest you, merry gentlemen !
Let nothing you dismay.
Remember, Christ our Saviour
Was born this holy day,
To save us all from woe and sin,
When we were gone astray.
O the tidings of comfort let us sing !
In Bethlehem in Jewry
This blessed Babe was born,
And laid within a manger,,
Upon that holy morn,
The which His Mother Mary
Did nothing take in scorn !
O the tidings of comfort let us sing !
And in the heavenly places
A blessed Angel stood,
And unto certain Shepherds
He told the tidings good,
How that in Bethlehem was born
The Child, the Son of God !
O the tidings of comfort let us sing !
PROLOGUE, an aged man, in black cap and
gown, stands before the closed curtains,
which represent the doors to the Dwelling
of EAGER HEART: he speaks.
Lo ! as Earth, her vigil keeping,
Times the year with careful hand,
So the watchful Soul, unsleeping,
Marks her days by high command.
O'er the world to-night, the nations,
Weary, lay their griefs aside,
And with sweet and loud laudations
Hold the Feast of Christmastide.
Favour, then, our simple story,
Picturing here, with gentle art,
How the Lord of Life and Glory
Comes to honour Eager Heart!
PROLOGUE descends from stage by central
steps, and seats himself at their foot, or as
part of the audience, attentive to the play.
Pastoral symphony is played by invisible
orchestra: at its close, the curtains open,
discovering EAGER HEART standing near a
low white couch (L. ). The back of the room
is shut off by a dark-blue gauze curtain.
Small table (R.), with loaves of bread, a
flask and a cup for wine : a pitcher of
water and basin stand on floor near:
embroidery work in a frame, and a stool;
small lighted lamp hanging before a shrine,
and picture, in a corner: also cage of doves.
E. Heart. To - night the weary world is
husht and still !
Out on the plains the shepherds watch; and
Dwelling in cities, keep our doors ajar,
Lest He should come this way, the royal
Two thousand years our King! Alas, to
think ,
How many highways He must tread to-night,
Will know Him not, nor see Him as He
comes !
Yet every year, they say, even at this hour
He makes a sumptuous progress through the
In lane and town, with guards angelical,
Mindful of that far night, when, as a Babe,
He begged an empty manger of the beasts,
Because no inn, no single roof was found
To cover Him ! So be it not to-day,
My gracious King! Have Thou to-night
sweet rest,
Here, on this lowly couch ! O deign thereon
To lay Thine infant head ! Mary and Joseph !
Come but your steps this way, behold the
The little frugal meal I saved this morn,
With joys of fasting ! O that I might be
Worthy, dear Lord, but once to shelter Thee !
[She looks up to the shrine, trims the
light, and says, or sings slowly,
looking before and about her,
this meditation: then sits at her
embroidery frame :
Dark is the night,
The starless night,
The Homeless are abroad:
O Heart, prepare
With simple care
A shelter for thy Lord
Crowned with power,
He comes this hour,
Remembering the day,
When, as a child,
In dwellings wild
And poor, He came to stay.
Make thou a bed
To rest His head ;
Its sheet be purity ;
The pillow light,
With tears washed white,
Be Heart's humility.
Much did it take
Of thee to make
This couch so soft and low !
Sighs without name,
And many a shame,
And tears that none may know.
And set thy board
To wait thy Lord
With Bread,' that He may dine :
Bring Water sweet
To wash his Feet —
A Cup to mix Him Wine !
This simple Bread,
Alas ! was made
Of harvests thinly sown :
The Wine is poor ;
But round the door
Its purpling grapes were grown.
No jewelled hall
This quiet stall,
But thatched with simple wit :
No monarch rare
Has sojourned here,
But Love has lived in it.
O Heavenly Child,
The night is wild !
Come in to me, I pray !
Make of this heart —
This longing heart —
Thy Bethlehem to-day !
\_She continues humming softly to herself.
Enter R. and L., on lower stage, the two
the first in gorgeous apparel, the second
in armour and helmet. EAGER SENSE
enters the home.
E. Sense. What! sitting late at work, and
singing songs ?
E. Heart. My hands are busy, for my heart
is full ;
I sing a song of welcome to the King !
E. Fame. But wherefore linger here ? Think
you He deigns
Beneath so small a roof to bend His head ?
How should He find this quiet street, where no
Great chariots pass, no victory-pageants roll ?
Kings are not wont to come in these our days
To poor and beggared doors! This foolish
To sit at home, and wait Him in the house,
Is bygone fashion! Come with me, away
Up to the terrace of the capitol,
Where famous deeds are done, and tapestries
Blazon the walls with tales of heroes dead !
There, Fame, her golden trumpet at her
Governs the winds that sweep the echoing
world :
And men, amazed, bow lowly, worshipping !
E. Heart \doubtfully\. Nay, Eager Fame !
Think not I ask so much,
Or dare to hope for that I scarce can name !
And yet — a viewless voice whispered — He
comes !
Close at mine ear ! I heard it even now !
\Looks vaguely round.
E. Sense. Folly ! so wilt thou mope, even
unto the end,
Fed upon moonlight 'stead of merry flesh,
Starving on sickly dreams and phantasies !
\_She goes to the table, and calls mockingly.
Behold the childish meal set bravely here
To tempt the Royal train ! Water and bread !
Ha! ha! and peasant grapes, that scarce
have won
The faintest flush of crimson [holds up flask to
lighf\, trained by herself
Upon the walls, and pressed with her own
small hands ! . . .
Come to the palace in the orange groves !
There the loud viol plays the night away :
And none is sick or fasting ! Come, poor child !
I'll lend thee other garb and jewels ! See !
[Takes EAGER HEART'S head in her hands.
This brow should bear a diadem ! This breast,
Warm with the matchless breath of innocence,
Should gleam in vair and velvet, winning with
Man's open homage! [Turning to EAGER
FAME.] Never be it said
That Eager Sense was not of a generous mind 1
E. Heart. Nay, Sister! leave me! I am
well content
Wrapped in your costly robes, I lose myself.
Yea, though the King should lodge with you
I could not find the art to please Him there.
[ Under her breath.
Listen ! what voice was that, saying "He
comes ! "
Close at mine ear ? I heard it even now !
E. Fame. Nay then, we wraste our trouble!
Let us go,
You to the Palace where the Banquet lies,
I to the ramparts! There the answering
Of watchmen on the walls shout even now,
In token of His coming, ere He come !
\_Exit R.
[EAGER SENSE looks back on EAGER
HEART standing in a rapt atti-
tude, and stretches out her hand
once more to her.
E. Sense. Come, pretty wilful! Take my
hand, be wise !
[EAGER HEART shakes her head:
EAGER SENSE shrugs her shoulders
gaily, and goes out (L.).
E. Heart [alone]. Now have I lost a chance,
but kept my hope,
Dearer than present gain, or handled good !
I part not with it now till daylight come !
'Tis very still. The night is dead asleep ;
Shut are the streets ! [Leans from the threshold
and looks up.~\ Only the stars above
Seem strangely near, as if they, listening,
A far-off music. [Distant choirs of " Gloria "
are heard: first eight bars.~\ Hark, what
a sudden burst
Of voices from the hills ! The simple folk
Bring Him upon His way. He comes! He
comes !
Sure 'twas the mighty shout of warrior-kings
That ride with Him ! O let me forth to see,
And mix my feet with those that throng His
Praying that He will deign to pause Him
One moment, at my threshold, blessing it,
Even with His look. [Goes to the shrine and
picture^ Forgive me that I take,
Sad Face! this little lamp from your dim
shrine !
I go to meet you in the flesh ! Dear walls,
I leave you husht, expectant of a Guest !
Keep you all safe and spotless till He come.
[She descends to second step, softly,
lamp in hand, and sees approach
from R. a poor road-maker and a
woman, travel- stained, in humble
garments and with broken shoes.
The man bears an old spade and
basket over shoulder : the woman
bears a little child wrapped in her
Man. Maiden! we pray you, of your
Give us but shelter for this single night !
We faint from thirst and hunger by the way :
And all the folk, it seems, have left ! The town
Is well-nigh empty, and our strength is gone !
E. Heart [wondering]. These must be
strangers, else they surely knew
Why all men are abroad! Their dress is
Fashioned in curious guise of other lands.
Good folk, whence come ye,?
Man. Tossed on these barren shores
That are no home, refused by king and slave,
We wander, seeking shelter ; and to-night
We pray a humble couch that we may sleep !
E. Heart \looking back into her home]. A
couch I have, poor friends ! 'tis true — and
yet —
A little bread and wine, and yet — and yet —
Man \lifts his hand"]. Alas, that halting
word ! we know it well !
E. Heart. Nay, hear me ! These are all I
have prepared
For other guests ; ah, with what joys and fears !
Had you wandered this way but yester-night,
Freely was yours all that I have and hold !
But now — to-night ! Ah no, it cannot be
That I should yield my hope so easily !
Man. What hope ?
E. Heart. Perchance to house a
Royal guest !
The King this hour makes progress through
the land,
In memory of a night, a far-off night,
When, as a helpless Babe, He found a bed
With beasts — because no roof would cover
To-day He comes, the all-acknowledged King !
Saw you no retinue upon the plain,
Flocking from every race, and of every tongue ?
Man. No kingly train saw we upon the
track :
But tired shepherds closing up the fold,
Who stooped, and found us milk, and crusts of
E. Heart. But heard you not the shouting of
the folk
That went to meet Him ? hailing, carolling
The King that had a manger for His bed ?
Man. Would that a manger-stall were ours
to-night !
[EAGER HEART still looks doubtfully
at her home. The woman looks
up at the man, and both with a
sigh make as though they would
pass on.']
E. Heart \_stretching out her hand, seeing
they have passed her\. Stay ! saw ye not a
palace as ye came,
With gilded chambers, by the orange grove,
Where lute and viol play the night away ?
Man [turning]. We heard the lute : we
called beside the gate !
Our voice they could not hear for merriment.
E. Heart. Then, passed ye not the capitol,
the gate
Where sits my Sister, dealing blame and praise,
Weighing the great and lesser deeds of men ?
What said she to your tale ?
Man. She spoke a tongue
We could not understand ! Her trumpets blew,
Deafening us as we pleaded ! You alone —
You have we found, knowing our native speech
As brother knoweth brother's ! Yet, let us go :
Our dusty feet will stain your delicate doors !
E. Heart [eagerly]. Nay, speak no more !
It shames me ! Pray you, come !
Yours is the Bread, the Water, and the Wine,
The lowly couch on which I thought to lay
The beauty of my Lord! Enough! enough
That you have need, and I the hand to give !
Be you my honoured, welcome guests to-night.
Forgotten be all else ! my foolish dream !
[She descends to the lowest step, and
gives her hand to the woman,
helping her up. Man follows her
slowly. A fresh burst of the
" Gloria " (eight bars) is heard
faintly in the distance. EAGER
HEART is amazed at the dignity
of her guests. They place them-
selves at the couch, and the man
goes to offer the woman wine from
the little table, as if he had been
long familiar there.
E. Heart. Pray now forgive me if I leave
you here
A little space. Prepare yourselves for sleep.
Hear you the people shouting on the plains ?
I would be gone to worship with the rest,
Meeting the King, at least, upon His way!
[As she looks back, descending the steps,
the man lifts his hand to her in
peace, and the curtains slowly meet
before her gaze, presenting the
closed doors, as at first.
E. Heart \looking up at the stars"]. O star of
heaven, so still, so pure, so high ;
How art thou near to-night ! Is it through pity
Thou shinest on me thus ? or is it joy ?
Hark to the voices singing ! Let me go !
\_Exit R.
Alto voice (unseen) sings as follows (with
symphony following, to the word "fine ").
Slumber, Thou Heavenly Child, and take
Thy rest,
That with Thy waking, the weary world be
blest :
On Thy Mother's breast, O take, O take
Thy rest,
And in all our hearts give Peace 1
Curtain is withdrawn to both sides at its close,
discovering the starlit plain, where two
shepherds lie on the ground ; strong, bearded
men with crooks ; a younger man is feeding
a small Jire with sticks : an old man with
long beard sits on rocks between them, facing
audience, with faced eyes. Back of the
plain is shut off (as before] with dark-blue
gauze. Frost lies on the ground: starlight
comes from above : a fold is on the L. with
sheep, and a thorn-bush.
Young Man. Ay, 'tis a cruel night ! A lamb
this hour
Was born in the fold, a poor and plaintive
And yet it seems to suck ! The piteous ewe
Made bitter bleating at the first — but now
Tis still !
Old Man. O ay ! the world is still to-night.
Vender's the star of hope, that brighter shows
On Christmas Eve ! Sure it has been the
Since I remember, lads ! and that is nigh
On seventy year!
[He looks to a star, R
ist Shep. \laughing~\. Come, none of your
old tales !
Old men and children needs must have their
Dry teats to dandle at, like thirsty lambs
Feeling their helplessness. Too long have folk
Beguiled us all with comfortable milk
To keep us patient, lest we should cut our teeth
Too soon on wisdom's corn !
Old Man. Young man, beware !
You too may yet be old ! And cavernous dark
Will be your world, if, from the shows of things,
You gather not a story to remain,
And sing itself, on and on, in your ears
When sight is darkened !
Young Man {looking up]. Say they not, this
The King that called Himself a Shepherd
To visit all the folds, and bless the sheep,
Remembering the day when, as a Babe,
He begged an empty manger and a stall,
Because no roof was found to cover Him?
2nd Shep. That, too, is a pretty tale ! If once
He came,
Men never see Him now. Where is the sign,
In these dark years, that He remembereth ?
Once it was said, He never will forsake !
Thousands believed on Him, and waiting,
We too could worship, had we any sign !
Old Man. The sign He gave of old is the
sign to-day !
Follow it, lads ! with Eager Heart, and find !
ist Shep. But whither ? Hunger and riches
Divide the land, like great uncleanly birds,
Gloating on offal ! Half the world is full,
Fat with excess : the other half, naked
As that poor stranger passed us even now,
Leading the woman with her new-born child,
Who thanked us for our crusts with tears. The
Grows lawless ! If her King dwell anywhere,
'Tis other - where ! He makes no sojourn
Old Man. He sojourns here, my lads ! or
not at all,
As they with Eager Heart shall one day know,
Finding within their doors a silent Guest !
Young Man. But who comes here, bearing
a slender lamp,
Climbing the perilous way with faltering feet ?
Is it a ghost, or child, or wandering maid ?
E. Heart [enters middle stage, R.]. I heard
your voices, and I turned aside
To know what murmuring doubts, what sullen
Did clash upon the world this blessed night.
Shepherds ? Nay, are ye shepherds in very
truth —
Who ever brought the earliest news of dawn ?
Have ye forgot what hymn is sung to-
Of One the angels in high heaven adore ?
2nd Shep. Fair maiden, that was long ago.
Our hearts
Are sad, our ears are dull with misery.
Others may catch that far-off song : for us
No burst of music fills the flaming sky,
Waking a rapturous Earth : silent she lies !
Since midnight watch we here, and mark no
E. Heart. Then, sure ye have not listened !
Hark again !
[The "Gloria" (eight bars) bursts in
full chorus, yet as if far away :
and the light, for a moment,
increases on the scene. ~\
The three SHEPHERDS start, and look wonder-
ingly at EAGER HEART ; she looks towards
audience, as one listening. None look in the
direction whence the singing comes. The
light gradually fades with the song, till it
ceases, in a half phrase* as at a great
ist Shep. Can this thing be? our senses all
are filled
With wonder and amazement! [Tiirning to
OLD MAN, who has remained motionless, as
one unmoved. He is seen sitting in the
centre of the scene.'] Hist ! old man !
Didst thou not hear that far and heavenly
Heart ravishing?
Old Man. I've heard it all this night,
Floating above the cities and the plains,
Lifting the world-cry from a million throats
Until it rolled the mighty hymn of Peace !
Young Man. But why stand idle here ? O
let us haste
Whither it went ! It goes before us still !
Deign, gentle maid, to be our guide! It seems
That thou wert sent to lead in darkness.
E. Heart. My lamp is small, but well the oil
has served
Thus far. Pray, Shepherds,follow, then, with me,
Nor doubt that we shall find ! [Goes to L.
ist Shep. \rising~\. Come, then, old man !
My step and yours together ! . . .
Old Man. Nay, my sons,
Where would ye hasten ? Whom go ye to
AIL We go to hail the King upon His way !
Old Man. The King has passed already,
while we sat
And prated of our ills ! I saw His Face :
And my soul blessed Him, even as He went !
[They look at him in amazement, and
make signs to each other.]
Young Man. Nay, leave him, comrades : urge
him not : methinks
The eyes of age see things we only dream :
Let us be gone, my spirit burns in me !
[.Exeunt L.
\The Angel Choir glows visibly behind
the veil, singing the chorale :
Full are the days that should have been !
Accept thine aged servant now,
And bid me part, for I have seen
On Thy sad Earth Thy sweet Face go !
\The OLD MAN lifts his arms heaven-
ward, as if he saw before him
what appears to be behind him.
His head drops backward, and,
with his face to the sky, he lies
dead on the rocks.
After the music ceases, enter a KING (R.) in
the prime of his age, and bearded, wear-
ing purple robe and cloak, and the gold
fillet of a mighty ruler.
ist King. The night is dark : yet this should
be the place,
The ancient trysting-ground, trodden how oft
By the foot of mighty seekers! Hither have
For nigh two thousand years, the Kings of the
Looking for Him, the Lord of every age,
And Answer to the world's great riddle, Man !
[Goes forward.
Is man the King ? Is there no mightier?
What heavy band is this that binds my brow ?
Gold ! Gold ! The living ore the fierce earth
To mark her rulers ! Men, and tribes of men,
Bow down before me ; but I thirst to know
If any rule be mightier than mine
In this dim universe ! I cannot sleep !
Vast shadows haunt my dreams, portentous
Known to the Fates and to the solemn stars,
Till, from my rest, I start with a piercing cry —
Where is the King, that I may worship Him?
[Reaching arms to stars, R. holding
out his crownJ\
O ye that hold the Night in breathless beauty,
Your ways are strong, and life is strong, and
death :
But the will of man is stronger ! What is this
Dumb giant in us set, ready to rise
In one stupendous act, and empty itself
Of all it is ? Yea, in that only deed
Know itself crowned, complete ! [Crowns him-
self.~\ Woe for the will
That hath not found its King ! Staggering it
Like yon wild meteor through th* affrighted
While all around the heavenly bodies sing
The rapture of their great obedience !
[He turns, and sees 2ND KING approach-
ing from L., an old bearded man
in turban, bound with the snake
fillet of the philosopher : he bears
a casket. They greet each other.
2nd King. Brother, well met ! I thought not
here to find
Aught but myself upon this barren hill,
So long defaced, o'ergrown with the tangled
Of this dark world !
ist King. King of the faithful watch !
What dreadful impotence h^s brought thee here,
What trouble of the mind ?
2nd King. These weary eyes
Have watched the birth of peoples from the
And seen them pale o'er yonder farthest
verge . . .
[Looks to the horizon.]
Returning not again ! All beasts and birds
I question of this mystery ; yea, and would force
The innermost secrets of the hollow earth,
But find no comfort. Yet sometimes comes
the sense
Of a life beneath the changing show of things ;
A glorious life, hiding itself in these,
Eluding still my grasp ! Could I command
That changeless substance once within my ken,
Then should I know the object of my thought,
And light transfigure all our griefs for ever !
Great death itself would seem no ill ; and life
Our happy portion in the perfect play
Of that resplendent Being ! See, my friend !
[Opens box.
This precious balm I gathered as I went
By every stream — the fragrance, bitter-sweet,
Of a gum's pelucid tears ! Within these walls,
[Holds up a translucent lump.
Behold, embalmed, a perfect creature, winged,
Lovely as life, encrys tailed here for aye !
[Passionately] So would I hold the soul within
my thought,
Clear imaged, imperishable ! This myrrh
I carry with me for my burial !
ist King. But on this night can be no place
for death !
No lord of death we seek, but the Lord of life !
2nd King. Then must He conquer death, or
lose His kingdom !
ist King. But who is this, that comes with
wandering eyes
And hands of worship ?
2nd King. Surely 'tis the King
Of the lonely Heart, who roams from shore to
shore !
[Offering incense at the woodland shrine
Of every god and demon — joining hands
With them that hate each other, and would tear
Each other's altars down — not seeing, all,
The one Form loved of every secret soul,
That all do homage to — the LORD OF HEARTS I]1
Hail, Friend ! How goes it with th' Eternal
Quest ?
3RD KING enters, L. A young man with an
earnest clean - shaven face, wearing the
spiked circlet of Inspiration, with jewels on
the points : his hair is cut to the shoulder :
he bears a lighted censer.
$rd King. Brothers of Power and Wisdom,
are ye here,
Faithful to your high charge? Now let the
1 Omit this passage in performance.
Have hope, when all her princes vigil keep,
Yea, though she lie in darkness, as to-day !
Our feet have lost the simple starward path
Our fathers knew. Yet on this sacred night
Our ways have met once more. Good omen
For all men's trysting ! Listen, Brothers mine !
You think to find — each his own answer! I,
With secret admonitions from my youth,
In every answer, seek, with a passionate hope,
The Word that bodies mine and yours in one !
No monarch He, — Type of our inmost dream
And Moulder of the world, — but One whose
Measuring itself in heaven, and earth, and hell,
Utters with every breath the great desire
Of all that lives ! Such only may I worship !
\He looks to keaven.~\
Once, in a trance, I saw Him stand, the King,
And round His garment ran a living word
In the tongue of every land ! That Word was
Peace !
His look, the very movement of His feet,
Was Peace — whose glory 'tis, in a thousand
To rule by yielding — die, to know and love —
Within Himself darkness and light dissolving!
O worship of my heart, appear ! appear !
[He stretches out his arms heavenwards,
and prostrates himself. At his
prayer the Angel Choir sings un-
seen eight bars of the " Gloria'
which fade away : all listen and
look at each otkerJ]
ist King. Heard you no sound ? Methought
a shouting came
As of a city welcoming its king ?
2nd King. I fain would think it! \He
turns, and sees Shepherd lying.~\ See,
what have we here ?
An aged shepherd, frozen at his place !
ist King. How like a king he looks ! Nay,
what calm —
What simple majesty has taken seat
Upon this brow ! Nothing can fright him
How would a crown become him — he, a
crown !
2nd King \with his hand half shading his
own eyes']. Those eyes have looked on
more than I have seen !
O simple shepherd ! thou hast entered in
Beyond the door we vainly try to pierce !
Here do I bow before th' initiate Dead !
$rd King \who has come up slowly, as one in a
dream, takes up the Shepherd's kancT\. This
hand has toiled its seventy years ! these feet
Have gone upon the business of the King!
Behold the face and form of one who knew
And ruled by love ! O Man, I worship thee !
[Swings his censer before him.
Within this breast the Lord of hearts did make
A resting-place ! Surely, ye blessed hills,
In you the King must dwell, since here indeed
His subjects be! O fair unsetting star
[Looking R.
Thy burning beauty warns us ! Let us go !
\The i ST KING casts his mantle over the
dead Shepherd, as they leave, and
go out, R. Curtains close slowly
together, presenting doors to the
Dwelling of EAGER HEART, as in
first scene, as unseen alto voice
is heard singing :
Prepare your hearts, children, with tender-
est worship, the purest, the fairest, this hour
to see !
Answered by full choir :
How shall I fitly meet Thee ?
and YOUNG MAN, lower stage L. They
stand in doubt.
E. Heart. Nay, it is strange! No turning
did we miss ;
The song still guided us ! And now, I find
Myself upon the old familiar street,
And all is silent !
ist Shep. Are we the simple cheats
Of a too-fond fancy after all ?
E. Heart. O friend,
Dare not to doubt after the thing we heard !
My spirit waits in me, till we be shewn.
Young Man. Me thought there fell a footstep
even now
Upon the threshold ! Nay, what forms are those
In jewelled crown and purple ? Surely, sirs,
These be no ordinary men ?
2nd Shep. Mayhap
They too are seeking for the royal train,
And miss their way ! See how they stand
perplexed !
Enter KINGS (R.), lifting their hands, and
gazing on a star, invisible to audience, over-
head, which sheds a soft white radiance on
whole scene.
$rd King. Behold the star that ever goes
before Him
Stationary ! It moves not East nor West !
That is the pilgrim's Star !
\st King (coming forward]. See how its ray
Streams soft upon us now ! The King is near !
E. Heart. Great Sirs ! pardon me that I dare
approach !
If ye too seek the King, as by your garb
And attitude I think ye do, — permit
Our little company to join you. We
Have wandered far to find Him, eager to lay
Our simple homage at His feet.
2nd King. Fair maid !
Whoe'er thou art, thou hast not far to seek.
What roof is this? Whose are these closed
doors ?
Thou, as a dweller in the place, canst tell !
E. Heart [distressed]. O Sirs, this is a little
house and mean ;
A poor maid dwelleth here, of no great name.
The star points other- where, methinks, not here !
ist King. Nay, gentle child ! we go not from
this place
Till we have seen the owner of these doors,
And bid her open !
E. Heart. Then, O gracious King,
Must I confess ! These humble doors are mine !
And nothing there- within is worth your glance !
[The Kings look at one another.
2nd King. Dear maid, think us not harsh
that we persist :
In the name of Wisdom be those doors flung
E. Heart, [at his feet> and taking the hem
of his robe]. Then must I tell you all 1
Therein doth sit
A Stranger, with a Mother and her Child.
Three souls, upon this bitter night they stood
Begging of me, for the sake of Him who lay
In a manger-stall in far-off Bethlehem,
A little food and shelter ! All my feast
Lay ready for the King ! O spurn me not,
That even I prepared a little place,
Hoping to house Him ! But these needy ones
I could not leave unfed ... I took them in. ...
[KINGS lift their hands, and look again
at each other.
$rd King \turns to EAGER HEART with a look
of awe and great joy. He raises her •.] Then,
blessed maid ! we are thy suppliants! Say,
What is thy name ?
E. Heart. They call me Eager Heart !
$rd King. Eager Heart ! gladdest of maiden
names !
'Tis LOVE commands thee open wide thy door,
And let the pomp and glory of the world
Go in to worship ; for the King is here 1
[EAGER HEART stands trembling,
•wavers, goes slowly up to the top
step, toiiches the curtains, that part
before her. She sinks on her knees,
her whole figure bowed, and her
face hidden in her hands, as she
sees Mary and the Child, in the
same position in which she left
the strangers. They are in ivkite,
and suffused with light, which
issues in a glory front the hidden
Child sleeping on the Mother s
lap. Joseph stands behind, holding
forth his right hand, half hushing,
half welcoming the worshippers.
A single voice unseen sings :
I am not worthy ! Can it be
That thou wilt stoop to dwell with me ?
That, leaving fame and joys apart,
Thou com'st, the Guest of Eager Heart?
Invisible choir answers ;
O simple souls, obeying Heaven
Unknowing, unto you is given
The King in all His joy to see !
As EAGER HEART remains kneeling in middle
of bottom-step, the KINGS and SHEPHERDS
go up, one by one, from the groups standing
at either side. IST KING lifts off his
crown, and offers it before him, as chorale
is sung by choir invisible :
Behold the King of all the Earth,
In mortal likeness of a Son,
Whose perfect glory rules in this —
Father of all, Thy will be done !
The gift, O God, Thou gavest me,
My spirit first receives to-day ;
I take possession of my crown,
Which at thy helpless feet I lay !
[He stands beside the couch-head, L.
2ND KING goes up with tottering steps, bearing
his box of myrrh before him, as unseen
choir sings chorale :
Behold th' immortal foe of Death
In one that is content to die,
In Life the heir of yielded life,
Foreshadowed in the family !
The prison-house of Time dissolves,
The inner dwelling Soul is free,
Learning itself, in narrow walls,
Essence of Life and Love as Thee !
\He stands beside IST KING.
3RD KING goes up, bearing his censer in his left
hand, his right hand raised : he looks on
the Child with a smile of inexpressible sweet-
ness, as unseen choir sings :
Behold the Peace of all the world
In tender likeness of a Child !
The gentle sufferers of the Earth
Have tamed at last her passions wild
In looks that supplicate, in tears,
In weary, dark desires that rove —
Behold the gateway into bliss,
Th' Eternal call and cry of Love !
\He rises and stands beside 2ND
HERD to come.~\
Sing we, sing we joyously !
Here we see,
Man may be
Free from offerings of blood !
Life of pain
Is life of gain,
To the strong and high of mood !
Sing we, sing we joyously !
[He kisses robe and stands at foot ofcouck, L.
2ND SHEPHERD goes up and kneels.
Now no more
Need bitter war
Sunder king and serf and beast ;
Bid them all,
Great and small,
To Earth and Heaven's high Birthday feast !
Sing we, sing we joyously !
\He stands beside IST SHEPHERD.
YOUNG MAN goes up and kneels.
See to-day
Soul and clay
Perfect from the house of strife !
Eager Heart
Here apart
Sheltereth the Form of Life !
Sing we, sing we joyously !
[He stands.
The KINGS and SHEPHERDS look back to EAGER
return and lift her from her position,
with one hand pointing her to the Holy
Family. The others descend to the second
and third steps below her. MARY looks
towards her with a smile of welcome
and encouragement. As EAGER HEART
goes forward, her two hands before her>
outstretched in wonder and love, the Angel
Choir glows visibly in the background
through the veil, with their arms upraised,
as the last sixteen bars of the Pastoral
symphony are heard. For the first time,
see this vision with amazement and joy.
The curtains slowly close upon EAGER HEART
kneeling before the CHILD with her arms
outstretched. The SHEPHERDS and KINGS
gaze after her as men entranced, the closing
doors leaving them outside on the steps. The
music grows fainter to the close. The men
with a sigh begin to descend the steps. As they
touch the street pavement ', enter, R. and L.,
back, beholding the Kings. EAGER SENSE seeks
to enter the closed doors, and is debarred by
the raised arms of the 3RD KING and YOUNG
Kings. What seek you, noble ladies ?
E. Fame \hurriedly~\. Sirs, we heard —
'Twas a wild rumour at the city gates —
The King had passed this way. . . . Two
beggars came,
And asked an audience of our presence ; but —
None understood their speech! Within their
They bore a Child ; and on its infant head
Men said there was a crown ! What may this
E. Sense {dishevelled}. And, at the banquet
under the orange groves,
The ruddy fruit grew pale, the candles dim,
As suddenly stood the porter there, and said
A bitter wailing had he heard, without —
From two poor beggars, limping into the night,
Bearing a Child — and, on the Child's young
He saw a living flame !
E. Fame. O tell us, Sirs,
If He have passed this way ?
E. Sense. That we may go
And kneel before His feet and worship Him !
Kings. " Too late ! too late ! ye cannot enter
The doors are shut : the hour of grace is past.
The King that pleaded vainly at your gates
This night, hath entered in to Eager Heart !
THE SISTERS gaze on each other with dismay.
E. Fame. Woe for the blindness, then, of
Eager Fame —
That set her thoughts too high to know the look
Of Him that cometh in simplicity !
Here let me weep my guilty life away.
\Crosses L., leans aside and weeps.
E. Sense. Woe for the folly, then, of Eager
That set her lutes too ravishingly sweet
To catch the true and tender voice of truth !
Here let me weep my guilty life away !
[Falls down on steps weeping.
CHORALE [sung- unseen].
This proud heart within me swelling
Is no palace rich and fair ;
But a dark and gloomy dwelling,
Till Thou deign to enter there !
Ah, how often have I turned me
From Thy helplessness and spurned Thee !
KINGS and SHEPHERDS look on the two with pity.
$rd King. Nay, Sister, come ! no tempest-
rain of tears
Can wash the heart without the toil of deeds.
Return, and build in thy gates a humbler throne
Meet for the Lord of wisdom and of love !
And come with us, dear Eager Sense, to learn,
'Mid suffering, and the hardness of the world,
That sweetest vineyards drink the sweat of man,
And royal bread is kneaded best with pain !
Thou in thy palace other joys must make,
If thou, one day, wilt welcome there thy Lord !
The " Gloria " is sung unseen, beginning faintly,
as the following words are spoken by
3RD KING and IST SHEPHERD, raising their hands:
Hark to the heavenly voices, yet again,
That wake the rising world ! Let us begone ;
So the great Sun, the Keeper of our Day,
May find us at our doings, even in toil
Singing with happy hearts the glad Noel !
[Exeunt all: the KINGS following
following EAGER SENSE, R.
The "Gloria in Excelsis" swells
with a sudden burst, as they go
out, seeming to welcome them:
they all hear it with joy on their
faces: it continues to its end,
fading at last into the distance^
The PROLOGUE^^S up from audience with solemn
steps, and addresses all present.
The play is out ; the faithful feed in bliss ;
The foolish turn to find true nobleness :
Say, gentle listener, at this Christmas tide,
Is your hearth ready? are your doors flung wide?
Hath He come in with you to make His stay,
Or hath He passed already on his way?
Nay, let us enter in, before we part,
And pray together here with Eager Heart,
That never, O thou Son of Man ! may we
Weary of search, or miss of seeing Thee
In every human form, and human dress —
The Homeless Child of Peace and Righteous-
To be sung in unison by audience standing :
" Veni Emmanuel"
O come, O come, Emmanuel !
And dwell with us, thy Israel,
That mourn in grief and darkness here,
Until the reign of God appear.
Answer: Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
(By choir) : Is come to thee, O Israel !
O come, thou Dayspring from on high,
With healing and with purity :
Disperse the gloomy clouds of night,
And death's dark shadow put to flight.
Answer: Rejoice ! Rejoice ! Emmanuel
Is come to thee, O Israel !
O come again, thou heavenly Might,
That once did shew on Sinai's height
Thy righteousness, and changeless Law
O teach us now by love and awe !
Answer: Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
Is come to thee, O Israel !
Printed by MORRISON & GIBB LIMITED, Edinburgh
Buckton, Alice Mary
Eager Heart